Psychoanalysis is both a complex theory of the human mind and a psychotherapy technique. At its core, psychoanalysis believes that much of our behavior, thoughts and feelings are driven by wishes, fears and internal conflicts that are outside of our conscious awareness. Getting in touch with these unconscious motivations is key to transforming aspects of ourselves that cause us suffering.

How Does Psychoanalysis Work ?

Typically patients come multiple times a week. Some patients use a couch while others prefer to sit and talk face to face. The process involves patients trying to talk as freely as possible with whatever is on their minds. By suspending conscious inhibitions one is able to get to deeper thoughts and feelings and understand aspects of oneself that were hitherto denied, forgotten or buried for a variety of reasons. Through this process both analyst and patient can begin to understand problematic behaviors, complex feelings, relationship patterns and past traumas in ways that may not have been touched upon or understood before. A big component of psychoanalysis involves looking at the analyst/patient relationship itself, since over time it comes to embody many of the core issues that plague the patients’ life. In this aspect the treatment relationship becomes the fulcrum of change. At present, I offer psychoanalytic treatment under supervision, as part of my advanced training in psychoanalysis at the San Diego Psychoanalytic Center.

Frequency and Benefits of Treatment

The frequency of sessions is worked out between analyst and patient (minimum being 3 sessions a week). Psychoanalysis is an intense form of therapy and requires considerable commitment in terms of time, finances and energy. However, it can produce the most significant and profound changes in multiple aspects of one’s life. Patients see changes in their intimate relationships, expansiveness in their creative capacities and a greater energy to pursue their academic/professional goals with success. Learn More.

Having been in my own psychoanalysis as a part of my training, I can attest to these benefits myself.